Lake Construction with ESS-13 for over fifty years


ESS-13 has proven itself to be effective in reducing the permeability of soils over the last 50 years.

ESS-13 creates a situation where the results improve with time.

ESS-13 reduces the cost of lake construction.

ESS-13 is EPA compliant.

ESS-13 is manufactured in the United States.

ESS-13 comes with guaranteed results.

Spray-on installation

Over the last ten years, the development of our most effective lining system, the ESS-13 Spray-On application, has opened up many doors of opportunity in the public sector. This method can usually meet the most stringent wastewater standards utilizing on-site soil. This application method can also be used for private ponds or lakes, offering everyone the opportunity to achieve these same dramatic results.

Mouse over the links below for installation instructions.

spray-on Installation

The ESS-13 Spray-On formulation is a liquid product that is simply sprayed onto a properly prepared subgrade. This enables the on-site contractor to complete the project in a minimal amount of time. The savings in construction time alone makes this the application method of choice for more and more contractors. The most important aspect of the Spray-On application is the preparation of the subgrade. A properly prepared subgrade should be compacted and smooth-drum rolled.

Once the subgrade is prepared, the ESS-13 Spray-On formulation is transferred into a water truck (or other spray equipment) and sprayed evenly over the entire soil surface.

The sprayed-on liner should be allowed to air dry for one to three days, depending on the weather.

Once it is dry, a six-inch compacted soil cover is placed over the liner to prevent cracking or drying out during the filling process.

With this method of application, it is no longer necessary to keep a water truck on site to maintain the moisture content of the treated soil liner. Care needs to be taken to prevent erosion during the filling process.

Once full, the lake is ready for its intended purpose.

The installation of the ESS-13 Spray-On application does not require specialty equipment; therefore, it can be done by a local excavation contractor. This results in significant savings over other lining methods. One of our field representatives will be on site during the installation process. This ensures the successful completion of each project.